This page is a brief introduction to what “Concordant” theology is, and who we “Concordant” believers are. Basically, those of us who refer to ourselves as ”Concordant” believers are members of the ecclesia (church) known as the body of Christ who agree with certain core doctrines, and who also tend to prefer using the Concordant Literal Version of the Bible (although we’re not CLV-Onlyists or anything; we fully recognize that there are no perfect English translations of Scripture, and the truth is that even less literal Bible versions such as the King James Version still teach all the core doctrines we believe, even if it might require more careful study to learn the truth from those versions).
We’re a little different from your standard denomination within the Christian religion, however. In fact, we’re not even really a part of the Christian religion at all, because we’re actually a religionless ecclesia (church), and also because our beliefs tend to be considered “unorthodox,” and even heretical, to most Christians (and, as such, few of us still use the label “Christian” to refer to ourselves anymore).
While we don’t necessarily all agree with each other on every little detail and minutia of doctrine or theology, there are a number of points those of us known as “Concordant” believers do agree on, and those particular points make up what could be said to be the core doctrines of “Concordant” theology:
- We believe in scriptural inerrancy, and we tend to interpret the Bible as literally as possible (outside of cases where it’s meant to be interpreted figuratively, of course). We’re also very Sola scriptura, rejecting “orthodox” traditions and creeds, and following only what Scripture says when it comes to our doctrines.
- We recognize that Paul’s Gospel is to be divided from the Gospel to Israel as heralded by the terrestrial Jesus, and by Peter and Jesus’ other disciples, since the glorified Christ gave Paul a new message for the nations.
- We understand that the doctrines the body of Christ is meant to follow are all contained within the epistles signed by Paul. While all Scripture is true and useful for all of us, the rest of it was written primarily to and about Israel.
- We believe that God is working out His purpose through a series of time periods known as eons (sometimes also referred to as ages), not to be confused with dispensations, which are simply different spiritual administrations or “economies” that can apply to different groups of people, sometimes even overlapping each other in time.
- We believe in the complete sovereignty of God, and that all things are predetermined.
- We understand that death is non-existence, as far as our consciousness goes. This means that the “hell” mentioned in less literal Bible versions isn’t a place the dead can suffer in, and that heaven isn’t a place the dead can go either, at least not in a conscious state. This also means that Jesus Christ did, in fact, cease to exist as a conscious being when He died for our sins and when He was entombed, before He was roused the third day.
- We affirm that, through the cross of Christ, God will save all humanity, and will reconcile all conscious, sapient beings who ever existed, and who need to be reconciled, to Himself. However, while all humanity will experience the general salvation that Paul primarily taught about (which consists of eventually being made immortal and sinless, solely because of Christ’s death for our sins, entombment, and resurrection on the third day, and not because of any choice we make), they won’t all experience the special salvation he also taught about — which includes getting to experience immortality and sinlessness earlier than everyone else, and also joining the body of Christ, among other things — or the type of salvation Jesus spoke about to Israel during His earthly ministry either, because there are different types of salvation, and not everybody experiences every type.
There is a little more to it than that, but those are the basic core doctrines we “Concordant” believers agree on. That said, one doesn’t need to be a “Concordant” believer to be a member of the body of Christ. To be a member of the body of Christ, one simply has to truly believe Paul’s Gospel as recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (which does mean actually understanding what his Gospel means, since one can’t truly believe something they don’t actually understand). For a list of the Primary Doctrines of the body of Christ (not to be confused with the core doctrines of “Concordant” believers, although there is overlap since, while not all members of the body of Christ are necessarily “Concordant” believers, all “Concordant” believers are members of the body of Christ), as well as some of the doctrines that are occasionally debated amongst those of us within the body of Christ, please see the below chart.

If you’d like to learn more, you can do so by checking out the articles, websites, books, and videos by various members of the body of Christ that are linked to on the Home page of this site.
Because there are relatively few of us, however, at least in most parts of the world, it’s rare that many of us get to gather in person very often, outside of various conferences that are held every now and then. We do have a Discord server for chatting, though, which you can find a link to on the Home page.
Oh, and just as a heads up, if the various websites and YouTube channels linked to on the Home Page ever all stop getting updates at the same time, it means The Snatching Away has likely occurred, and the final seven years of eon 3 are about to begin, and Israel’s Gospel of the Kingdom will once again be the only Gospel to concern yourself with for the time being, so please keep that in mind if that happens.