Will anyone escape death?

There’s a strange doctrine being taught by certain members of the body of Christ recently which suggests that the Snatching Away is not something we should actually consider to be our blessed hope (or happy expectation, depending on your Bible translation), but rather that everyone in the body of Christ will instead definitely die, and… Continue reading Will anyone escape death?

“The last trump” will indeed be the last trump

Most members of the body of Christ believe the Snatching Away (aka the Rapture) will take place prior to the Tribulation, but this brings up the question of how “the last trump” of 1 Corinthians 15:52 can be sounded prior to our being quickened, or vivified (meaning made immortal), and caught up in the air… Continue reading “The last trump” will indeed be the last trump

The simplest answer to the question of whether a believer can lose their salvation

The question is often asked: Can a believer lose their salvation? Now, obviously I’m not referring to general salvation here, meaning the salvation that everyone is guaranteed to eventually experience thanks to Christ’s death for our sins, entombment, and resurrection on the third day (the salvation that involves the eventual vivification — meaning immortality —… Continue reading The simplest answer to the question of whether a believer can lose their salvation

If all you did was quote the Bible, you’ve probably already lost the argument

It doesn’t matter what the topic is, if you’re in a disagreement with another Bible believer over a particular doctrine or theological point and literally all you do is quote Scripture in order to try to prove your viewpoint, in the vast majority of cases you’re not only admitting that you can’t actually support your viewpoint from… Continue reading If all you did was quote the Bible, you’ve probably already lost the argument

Categorized as Bible

Yes, Calvinism is wrong. However…

Watching Christians argue over whether Calvinism is right or wrong is both amusing and sad at the same time. Because yes, while Scripture does indeed teach that Calvinism is wrong, it also teaches that Arminianism (or “Provisionism,” as some seem to prefer to call the soteriological position these days) is equally wrong. You see, both… Continue reading Yes, Calvinism is wrong. However…

Why I believe in the salvation of all humanity

The reason I believe in the eventual salvation of all humanity is really quite simple. Many years ago, while I myself was still a believer in the popular doctrine of never-ending punishment for unbelievers, I encountered debates between other Christians who also believed the popular doctrine arguing with a seemingly strange group of people who… Continue reading Why I believe in the salvation of all humanity

Not of yourselves

Pretty much every Christian is familiar with what Ephesians 2:8-9 states: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Somehow, though, most Christians seem to miss what this passage is saying. Before getting into it, however,… Continue reading Not of yourselves

So you want to become a Christian?

Have you come to believe that the Bible is the word of God, and decided that means you should become a Christian? Well, you’re on the right track with the first part (about the Bible), but before you take the plunge into the Christian religion, there are some things you should be aware of. First… Continue reading So you want to become a Christian?