Many of the evangelicals I grew up with were horrified at the idea of magic and witchcraft, all the while promoting the biggest magic spell ever, known to many simply as “The Sinner’s Prayer.” This magical incantation, when spoken out loud (and truly believed), is supposed to somehow change the location that we end up… Continue reading Christian magic
Author: Drew Costen
The Open Church
I’ve been a part of at least two really good house churches over the last decade. The fact that they were house churches, however, was not the important factor here, the fact that they were “open churches” was. This means that we didn’t have sermons or dress codes or have to put up a false… Continue reading The Open Church
Make them prove it
Admittedly it’s only a few days old, but so far no takers on my Everlasting Hell Challenge here on my blog [June 20, 2020 Update: I’ve since removed comments from this blog, but I had them for years and nobody ever even attempted to complete the challenge here on my website despite many people reading… Continue reading Make them prove it
The Everlasting Hell Challenge
On a Christian message board I sometimes visit we’ve been discussing the issue of hell, which got me to thinking, and I came up with a challenge for Evangelicals and other Protestant Christians who base their theology on the Bible alone: Demonstrate convincingly that the idea that “those who die without putting their faith in… Continue reading The Everlasting Hell Challenge
Real friendship
Here’s something I wrote back in April of 2004 on my old blog. I find that it rings just as true today as it did then: I’ve made lots of friends over the years, both with fundamentalist* Christians and otherwise, and I’ve noticed something interesting. It seems that my non-fundamentalist friends are the only ones… Continue reading Real friendship
It’s not their fault
One thing that can frustrate a Universalist to no end is the fact that Universal Reconciliation seems to be one of the clearest doctrines in Scripture, yet most Christians just can’t seem to see it at all. Most Christians interpret certain parables, metaphors, and other biblical figures of speech as teaching never-ending torment in hell… Continue reading It’s not their fault
What if you’re wrong
A lot of people have asked me over the years, “What if you’re wrong about Universal Reconciliation?” I could go (and have gone) into all sorts of reasons as to why I believe I’m right, but truth be told I could be wrong. I mean, I believed in Everlasting Torment in hell for about 20… Continue reading What if you’re wrong
Yes, I am a Universalist
I know some people (some are friends, so if any of them are reading this post, please keep in mind that this is not a criticism) who, while believing that Universal Reconciliation is the most scriptural soteriological model, don’t actually like to be refered to as “Universalists.” This is mostly because “Universalism” is sometimes also… Continue reading Yes, I am a Universalist
Photos of hell
When Jesus spoke about “hell” in the Bible, the word He really used in most cases was “Gehenna” (the Bible wasn’t originally written in English, and that’s what the word Jesus used was). Gehenna, also known as the Valley of Hinnom, is an actual place in Israel where Israelites once sacrificed their babies to the… Continue reading Photos of hell