Jesus did NOT preach the salvation of all

This often comes as a surprise when I bring it up to many members of the body of Christ, as well as to other Universalists, but no, Jesus did not preach the salvation of all humanity during His earthly ministry. That’s not to say He didn’t teach the salvation of all at a later time,… Continue reading Jesus did NOT preach the salvation of all

Can a member of the body of Christ believe in “free will”?

[Please note that I put “free will” in quotation marks because it’s a nonsensical concept that can’t actually exist in reality. This article wasn’t written to prove that fact, though, nor was it written to prove that God is ultimately in control of all things, at least from an absolute perspective (including all sinful and/or… Continue reading Can a member of the body of Christ believe in “free will”?

Fellowship, and keeping doctrine in its place

I’ve only been a member of the ecclesia (or church) called the body of Christ for a little over 7 years now, but I’ve known, or at least have been acquainted with, various members of the ecclesia for decades now thanks to my time as a Christian Universalist prior to getting saved, and I’ve noticed… Continue reading Fellowship, and keeping doctrine in its place

Did God create the universe out of nothing?

Most Christians believe the Bible teaches that God created the universe out of nothing. Aside from the fact that it’s entirely impossible to create anything out of nothing, this idea (which is a concept that is generally referred to as “creatio ex nihilo”) isn’t actually taught anywhere in Scripture anyway, so simply put, no, He… Continue reading Did God create the universe out of nothing?

Fourth edition of my eBook: Forbidden Bible Truth

As many of you know, I published an article back on April 22, 2017 titled Why I Couldn’t Return To Church, which was eventually renamed to Bible truths you won’t hear at church in its third edition on July 7 of 2023 (with its second edition being titled Nearly everything we learned at church was… Continue reading Fourth edition of my eBook: Forbidden Bible Truth

Why I’m not Roman Catholic (or Eastern Orthodox)

The reason I’m not Roman Catholic is really quite simple (although if you want the proof of my reason, it will require some homework on your part): There’s just no way to reconcile Roman Catholic doctrine with Scripture. (The same goes for Eastern Orthodox doctrine, but I’m just going to refer to Roman Catholicism throughout… Continue reading Why I’m not Roman Catholic (or Eastern Orthodox)

“The last trump” will indeed be the last trump

Most members of the body of Christ believe the Snatching Away (aka the Rapture) will take place prior to the Tribulation, but this brings up the question of how “the last trump” of 1 Corinthians 15:52 can be sounded prior to our being quickened, or vivified (meaning made immortal), and caught up in the air… Continue reading “The last trump” will indeed be the last trump

The simplest answer to the question of whether a believer can lose their salvation

The question is often asked: Can a believer lose their salvation? Now, obviously I’m not referring to general salvation here, meaning the salvation that everyone is guaranteed to eventually experience thanks to Christ’s death for our sins, entombment, and resurrection on the third day (the salvation that involves the eventual vivification — meaning immortality —… Continue reading The simplest answer to the question of whether a believer can lose their salvation