Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?

[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?

Making assumptions

The vast majority of Christians have been taught by their religious leaders to believe in the doctrine known as Infernalism (which is the soteriological position that some people will suffer never-ending torment in the lake of fire). And because they trust these religious leaders, when they read the Bible, most of them simply assume Infernalism… Continue reading Making assumptions

God is still on Plan A

In my last article, I mentioned that those of us who hold to what is known as ”Concordant” theology believe God is 100% in control of absolutely everything, and that the “absolutely everything” He’s in control of includes evil and the suffering it can result in (since evil and suffering are a part of “absolutely… Continue reading God is still on Plan A

Unmerited suffering and God

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” — Anne Bradstreet As one learns more about “Concordant” theology, they’re often extremely surprised when they discover our theodicy, meaning what we believe when it comes to resolving “the… Continue reading Unmerited suffering and God

Confessing and believing

”That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:9-10 Misunderstanding what Paul wrote in Romans… Continue reading Confessing and believing

Modesty is the opposite of vanity, not of nudity

Most people, thanks to the bad influence of conservative Christians and other religious conservatives, believe that modesty means not revealing too much skin or the outline of one’s body, and that a modest girl or woman will not be too revealing when it comes to her body and clothing. The truth, however, is that a… Continue reading Modesty is the opposite of vanity, not of nudity

Kingdom come?

Is the kingdom of God a present reality or a future promise? One of the biggest mistakes one can make when it comes to the question of whether the kingdom already exists or whether it’s still yet to fully begin on earth is to assume the answer is anything other than: Yes. Recently, due to… Continue reading Kingdom come?

What is death?

[Please click the links as you go through this article, since they will take you to my scriptural references, as well as to articles containing extended exegesis on my various points.] What is death? The answer to this question is simple: death is the absence of life. In fact, this is such a simple concept… Continue reading What is death?

Categorized as Bible, Death