One God, the Father

Those of us in the true body of Christ are not Trinitarians (we aren’t Modalists either, for many of the same reasons we don’t believe in the Trinity). I’m not going to get into the reasons for why we’re not Trinitarians here, however, but instead I’m going to provide a list of links to a number of… Continue reading One God, the Father

Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?

[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?

Confessing and believing

”That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:9-10 Misunderstanding what Paul wrote in Romans… Continue reading Confessing and believing

Are you in a cult? Comparing the Christian religion vs the body of Christ to the BITE model

After first learning about the doctrines held to by those of us in the body of Christ, referring to what is sometimes known as “Concordant” theology, some Christians will accuse us of being in a cult, which is pretty ironic, for reasons that should become clear after reading this post. Now, to be fair, any… Continue reading Are you in a cult? Comparing the Christian religion vs the body of Christ to the BITE model

Why only Universalists can be saved

As I mentioned in my last article, few Christians understand what it is that the Gospel which Paul taught means, and because of that, it seems safe to say that very few Christians have been saved yet. (I’m referring to salvation from a relative perspective, I should say, meaning the salvation that brings one into… Continue reading Why only Universalists can be saved

The actual choice when it comes to believing the Gospel

When you bring up the fact that Scripture teaches the eventual salvation of all humanity, many Christians will attempt to object by saying that it can’t be true because it would violate our so-called “free will.” The thing is, whether or not “free will” exists, it just doesn’t matter when it comes to salvation, because… Continue reading The actual choice when it comes to believing the Gospel

How we can know with certainty that there is more than one Gospel

I’ve written about the differences between the various Gospels mentioned in Scripture many times on this website, and given various arguments as to why there is more than one recorded in Scripture, but there’s one proof which settles the debate beyond any shadow of a doubt, and that is the different meanings and end results… Continue reading How we can know with certainty that there is more than one Gospel

Things that differ

Nearly every Christian has been taught, and hence nearly every Christian believes, that there is only one Gospel, as well as that Paul taught exactly the same things Jesus and His disciples taught while He walked the earth. In fact, this is such a commonly accepted presupposition among Christians that many are surprised when they… Continue reading Things that differ