Fourth edition of my eBook: Forbidden Bible Truth

As many of you know, I published an article back on April 22, 2017 titled Why I Couldn’t Return To Church, which was eventually renamed to Bible truths you won’t hear at church in its third edition on July 7 of 2023 (with its second edition being titled Nearly everything we learned at church was… Continue reading Fourth edition of my eBook: Forbidden Bible Truth

Why I’m not Roman Catholic (or Eastern Orthodox)

The reason I’m not Roman Catholic is really quite simple (although if you want the proof of my reason, it will require some homework on your part): There’s just no way to reconcile Roman Catholic doctrine with Scripture. (The same goes for Eastern Orthodox doctrine, but I’m just going to refer to Roman Catholicism throughout… Continue reading Why I’m not Roman Catholic (or Eastern Orthodox)

Why I believe in the salvation of all humanity

The reason I believe in the eventual salvation of all humanity is really quite simple. Many years ago, while I myself was still a believer in the popular doctrine of never-ending punishment for unbelievers, I encountered debates between other Christians who also believed the popular doctrine arguing with a seemingly strange group of people who… Continue reading Why I believe in the salvation of all humanity

You’re not ready to reject Universalism yet

As I wrote last week, many Infernalists (and, I should add, even some Annihilationists) will quote Bible verses assuming that they disprove Universalism, and presumably also assuming that we’ve never heard those passages before (or at least assuming we don’t believe those passages are true). Anyone who does that without already knowing how it is… Continue reading You’re not ready to reject Universalism yet

That passage of Scripture you referred to doesn’t disprove Universalism the way you assume it does

Whenever the topic of Universal Reconciliation comes up, some Infernalist (meaning a believer in the doctrine of never-ending torment) inevitably says something like, “This particular passage of Scripture proves that Universalism can’t be true,” and then refers to a passage they assume proves their soteriology. What they forget is that a text read out of… Continue reading That passage of Scripture you referred to doesn’t disprove Universalism the way you assume it does

Nobody fears truth quite like a Christian does

For a few years now I’ve been asking Christians to read a book I wrote which explains why I believe the Bible teaches what I believe it does about heaven, hell, judgement, death, and salvation, among other things (which you can find here), and for the same number of years it’s been the exact same… Continue reading Nobody fears truth quite like a Christian does

Questions you must answer

In order to convince us Mid-Acts Dispensationalists we’re wrong about our belief that there is more than one Gospel proclaimed in Scripture, one has to be able to first answer some questions. If one can’t answer these questions, they won’t be able to convince us that we’re wrong (it’s as simple as that). First, would… Continue reading Questions you must answer

What does the Bible say that is?

Want a handy little trick for discussing theology with Christians (especially Christians who believe that less literal translations of Scripture, such as the KJV, are well translated)? Ask them what the Bible says about the topic you’re discussing. Yesterday I was chatting with one of the street preachers here in Toronto, and he asked me… Continue reading What does the Bible say that is?

A challenge for Christians regarding my theology

When a Christian discovers that my current interpretations of Scripture aren’t the same as the interpretations they hold to, on most occasions they feel compelled to tell me I’m wrong and that I need to stop interpreting Scripture that way. The problem is, nearly every Christian who has condemned my beliefs will try to convince… Continue reading A challenge for Christians regarding my theology