Before getting into the topic at hand, which is the order of salvations to come that Paul wrote about, it’s important to understand why humans actually sin in the first place (other than Adam and Eve; they had a whole other reason that we don’t have time to get into here), and why Jesus didn’t… Continue reading Each in their own order
Category: Rightly dividing
How one baptism proves two Gospels
Apparent contradictions in the Bible are some of the greatest evidences that there are at least two Gospels. Please note that I’m not saying these things actually are contradictions. I’m just saying that they seem to be contradictions if one doesn’t consider the proper context of each passage, and also that taking the context into… Continue reading How one baptism proves two Gospels
How Christians walk according to flesh
To hear most Christians talk about it, you’d think that sins are something we should actively avoid committing. When the street preachers here in Toronto give their sermons, the focus is always on sin and how our sinful actions will send us to an afterlife realm called “hell” if we don’t get our sin dealt… Continue reading How Christians walk according to flesh
The writings of John are not about Gentiles
One of the many mistakes I see the Toronto street preachers I’ve written about frequently make in their various sermons is just how often they preach from the book commonly known as “the Gospel according to John,” and how they assume the verses they read from that book apply to the people hearing the sound… Continue reading The writings of John are not about Gentiles
Neither Jew nor Gentile
[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Neither Jew nor Gentile
Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?
[Please note that I’m including my scriptural references in the links, and that they also link to articles with extended exegesis that I couldn’t fit into this post, so please be sure to click all the supporting links in order to get the full picture, as well as all the Scripture references. Please also keep in mind, however, that… Continue reading Is it another gospel or is it not another gospel?
Confessing and believing
”That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” – Romans 10:9-10 Misunderstanding what Paul wrote in Romans… Continue reading Confessing and believing
How we can know with certainty that there is more than one Gospel
I’ve written about the differences between the various Gospels mentioned in Scripture many times on this website, and given various arguments as to why there is more than one recorded in Scripture, but there’s one proof which settles the debate beyond any shadow of a doubt, and that is the different meanings and end results… Continue reading How we can know with certainty that there is more than one Gospel
They’re the same picture
After finishing my post on the many differences between the Israel of God (and their Gospel of the Circumcision) and the body of Christ (and our Gospel of the Uncircumcision) — which you can find here — and being told by someone who read it that they still can’t see the clear pattern of differences… Continue reading They’re the same picture
Kingdom come?
Is the kingdom of God a present reality or a future promise? One of the biggest mistakes one can make when it comes to the question of whether the kingdom already exists or whether it’s still yet to fully begin on earth is to assume the answer is anything other than: Yes. Recently, due to… Continue reading Kingdom come?