For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, saying, “This man began to build, and was… Continue reading Who won the greater victory?
Category: Universalism
Paying the penalty in your place
“And so, Jesus died on the cross in your place, taking the penalty for your sins so you don’t have to,” the street preacher cried out. ”Just accept the free gift of salvation and you won’t have to pay the penalty yourself!” “What’s the penalty for my sins?” I interrupted before he could continue. “Why,… Continue reading Paying the penalty in your place
How long did “for ever” last in Bible times?
Anyone who has read the whole Bible and paid attention while doing so should be well aware of the fact that words such as “for ever,” “everlasting,” and “eternal,” when used in the less literal English Bible versions which translate the original Hebrew and Koine Greek Scriptures this way, rarely (if ever) actually mean “never-ending”… Continue reading How long did “for ever” last in Bible times?
Events still to come
I wrote the following in response to a post on Reddit some time back, and I thought it might be useful to share on my website as well, for those who aren’t necessarily entirely familiar with eschatology and what the various books of the Bible say is still to come. I should say, this is… Continue reading Events still to come
Each in their own order
Before getting into the topic at hand, which is the order of salvations to come that Paul wrote about, it’s important to understand why humans actually sin in the first place (other than Adam and Eve; they had a whole other reason that we don’t have time to get into here), and why Jesus didn’t… Continue reading Each in their own order
How Christians reject the free gift of salvation
When you tell most Christians that the outcome of Paul’s Gospel is that everyone will eventually experience the free gift of salvation, they’ll inevitably say that people have to receive the gift in order to be saved, as though that statement helps support their position that not everyone will be saved. You see, what they… Continue reading How Christians reject the free gift of salvation
Did Paul mean the opposite of what he wrote?
[All passages are quoted from the Concordant Literal Version of the Bible.] Me: I’d like to quote some passages the apostle Paul wrote that I’ve memorized. Would you be willing to listen to them and let me know if I’m remembering them correctly? Him (a street preacher): Sure. Go for it. Me: Okay, cool. Thanks.… Continue reading Did Paul mean the opposite of what he wrote?
The writings of John are not about Gentiles
One of the many mistakes I see the Toronto street preachers I’ve written about frequently make in their various sermons is just how often they preach from the book commonly known as “the Gospel according to John,” and how they assume the verses they read from that book apply to the people hearing the sound… Continue reading The writings of John are not about Gentiles
The hopelessness of Infernalism
“A man content to go to heaven alone will never go to heaven.” — Boethius Because most Christians have been taught by their religious leaders that Infernalism is scriptural (Infernalism being the soteriological doctrine that not everyone will experience salvation, but that some people will instead suffer forever in some manner in a place called… Continue reading The hopelessness of Infernalism
Making assumptions
The vast majority of Christians have been taught by their religious leaders to believe in the doctrine known as Infernalism (which is the soteriological position that some people will suffer never-ending torment in the lake of fire). And because they trust these religious leaders, when they read the Bible, most of them simply assume Infernalism… Continue reading Making assumptions