“He’s already done everything necessary for you and me to be saved,” I heard a street preacher say once again today.
You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but it never ceases to be weird to hear “evangelists” say things they don’t believe. And it’s even weirder to know that they don’t realize they don’t actually believe what they’re saying. Because if I were to ask him if there was something else that was necessary to be added to what Christ did for my salvation, he’d (rightly) say no. Yet if I were to say, “So I guess that means I’ve been saved,” he’d quickly correct me and say it was necessary for me to choose to believe that “Jesus did everything necessary for me to be saved” to be saved. Which means Jesus didn’t actually do everything necessary for me to be saved after all, because apparently it’s still necessary for me to choose to believe that “He did everything necessary for me to be saved” to be saved. And he’ll probably never see the contradiction in his statement (at least, not during this eon).