This page has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this website (which is about “Concordant” theology). I just happen to also be a big fan of Star Trek and needed a place to post my recommended viewing order list of the TV series and movies which I created for new viewers of the series. If you aren’t into Star Trek, please feel free to ignore this and read other parts of this site. If you are newly into Star Trek, however, and want to watch every episode and film but don’t know where to start, here’s what I consider to be the best viewing order (the legend of series names is at the end of the post, and the years in which each section primarily takes place will be listed at the end of each line):
TOS Pilot The Cage (First Pilot, 2254)
TOS S1E3 Where No Man Has Gone Before (Second Pilot, 2265)
TOS S1E1-2 The Man Trap to Charlie X (2266)
TOS S1E4-S3E24 The Naked Time to Turnabout Intruder (series finale, 2266 – 2269)
TAS S1E1-S2E6 Beyond the Farthest Star to The Counter-Clock Incident (series finale, 2269 – 2270)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (2273)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (2285)
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (2285)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (2286)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (2287)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (2293)
TNG S1E1-S6E11 Encounter at Farpoint part 1 to Chain of Command part 2 (2364 – 2369)
DS9 S1E1-4 Emissary part 1 to A Man Alone (2369)
TNG S6E12-15 Ship in a Bottle to Tapestry (2369)
DS9 S1E5-8 Babel to Dax (2369)
TNG S6E16-S7E1 Birthright part 1 to Descent part 2 (2369 – 2370)
DS9 S1E9-20 The Passenger to In the Hands of the Prophets (2369)
TNG S7E2-13 Liaisons to Homeward (2370)
DS9 S2E1-12 The Homecoming to The Alternate (2370)
TNG S7E14-20 Sub Rosa to Journey’s End (2370)
DS9 S2E13-21 Armageddon Game to The Maquis part 2 (2370)
TNG S7E21-26 Firstborn to All Good Things part 2 (series finale, 2370)
DS9 S2E22-S3E8 The Wire to Meridian (2370 – 2371)
Star Trek: Generations (set in both 2293 and 2371)
DS9 S3E9-12 Defiant to Past Tense part 2 (2371)
VOY S1E1-16 Caretaker part 1 to Learning Curve (2371)
DS9 S3E13-26 Life Support to The Adversary (2371)
VOY S2E1-12 The 37s to Resistance (2371 – 2372)
DS9 S4E1-10 The Way of the Warrior part 1 to Our Man Bashir (2372)
VOY S2E13-S3E1 Prototype to Basics part 2 (2372 – 2373)
DS9 S4E11-26 Homefront to Broken Link (2372)
VOY S3E2-16 Flashback to Blood Fever (2373)
DS9 S5E1-13 Apocalypse Rising to For the Uniform (2373)
Star Trek: First Contact (2373)
VOY S3E17-S4E2 Unity to The Gift (2373 – 2374)
DS9 S5E14-26 In Purgatory’s Shadow to Call to Arms (2373)
VOY S4E3-9 Day of Honor to Year of Hell part 2 (2374)
DS9 S6E1-11 A Time to Stand to Waltz (2374)
VOY S4E10-26 Random Thoughts to Hope and Fear (2374)
DS9 S6E12-S7E9 Who Mourns for Morn? to Covenant (2374 – 2375)
VOY S5E1-9 Night to Thirty Days (2375)
Star Trek: Insurrection (2375)
DS9 S7E10-26 It’s Only a Paper Moon to What You Leave Behind (series finale, 2375)
VOY S5E10-S7E26 Counterpoint to Endgame part 2 (series finale, 2375 – 2378)
Star Trek: Nemesis (2379)
ENT S1E1-S4E22 Broken Bow part 1 to These Are the Voyages… (series finale, 2151 – 2155, final episode set in both 2161 and 2370)
Star Trek (2009 movie, set mostly in 2258 in an alternate timeline known as the Kelvin timeline)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2nd movie in the Kelvin timeline, in 2259)
Star Trek Beyond (3rd movie in the Kelvin timeline, in 2263)
DIS S1E1-15 The Vulcan Hello to Will You Take My Hand? (2256 – 2257, back in the Prime timeline)
ST S1E1-4 Runaway to The Escape Artist (set in different years between 2239 and an unknown date in the distant future)
DIS S2E1-14 Brother to Such Sweet Sorrow part 2 (2257 – 2258)
ST S2E1-6 Q&A to Children of Mars (likely series finale, set in different, mostly unconfirmed, years between the early 2230s and 2385)
PIC S1E1-10 Remembrance to Et in Arcadia Ego part 2 (2399)
DIS S3E1-13 That Hope Is You part 1 to That Hope Is You part 2 (3188 – 3189)
LD S1E1-S2E10 Second Contact to First First Contact (2380 – 2381)
PRO S1E1-10 Lost & Found part 1 to A Moral Star part 2 (2383 – 2384)
DIS S4E1-13 Kobayashi Maru to Coming Home (3190)
PIC S2E1-10 The Star Gazer to Farewell (2401)
SNW S1E1-10 Strange New Worlds to A Quality of Mercy (2259)
LD S3E1-10 Grounded to The Stars at Night (2381)
PRO S1E11-20 Asylum to Supernova part 2 (2384)
PIC S3E1-10 The Next Generation to The Last Generation (series finale, 2401)
SNW S2E1-10 The Broken Circle to Hegemony (2259)
LD S4E1-10 Twovix to Old Friends, New Planets (2381)
DIS S5E1-10 Red Directive to Life, Itself (series finale, 3191)
PRO S2E1-20 Into the Breach part 1 to Ouroboros part 2 (2384 – 2385)
LD S5E1-10 Dos Cerritos to The New Next Generation (series finale, 2382)
Star Trek: Section 31 (2324)
TOS: The Original Series
TAS: The Animated Series
TNG: The Next Generation
DS9: Deep Space Nine
VOY: Voyager
ENT: Enterprise
DIS: Discovery
ST: Short Treks
PIC: Picard
LD: Lower Decks
PRO: Prodigy
SNW: Strange New Worlds